Cloud Village VMware Identity Manager VMware Identity Manger- Part 1: Install & Config Connector

VMware Identity Manger- Part 1: Install & Config Connector

Hi Everyone, here I am going to explain how you can setup your own VMware Identity Manager Lab to better understand the features.

I have below components in this lab as of now for next few blogs and will keep on adding components as and when required

  1. Active Directory
  2. Certificate Authority (On AD Machine itself)
  3. Connector (Outbound mode Only)
  4. VMware Identity Manager (SAAS Instance)

I have users coming in from Intranet as well as from internet.

All the on-premises component are running in VMware Workstation with below config:

Active Directory: 1 vCPU ; 2 GB RAM
Connector : 2 vCPU ; 6GB RAM
Users Machine: 1 vCPU ; 2GB RAM

To start, I deployed Active Directory (lab.local) with Certificate Authority. You can find multiple blogs and article on internet to create the same.

I have one VIDM tenant which I am going to use for this lab. You can deploy your own On-premises instance as well in case you don’t have one and continue with below steps:

  • Login to VIDM instance.
  • Navigate to Identity & Access Management>Setup and click in Add Connector
  • Enter a Connector name and click on Generate Activation Code
  • Copy and save the highlighted code which will be used for activating connector.
  • Click on Ok, you will see one connector which is in “Connector not activated
  • Login to connector Machine which is a Windows server based VM and launch the Connector executable.
  • Click Next on Welcome to Installation Wizard Screen
  • Accept the License Agreement and click on Next
  • Click Next on Destination folder wizard, in case you want to change it, do it here.
  • Click Next as we are doing fresh installation.
  • Click Next for Connector Configuration
  • Click Next without selecting the Service account for the lab purpose.
  • Click on Install
  • Click Finish
  • Once you click on Finish, it will prompt to launch the configuration page. Click on Yes
  • Click Continue on Connector Setup Wizard
  • Set password for Connector admin user and click Continue
  • Paste the connector Activation Code which you generated in VMware Identity Manager and click Continue
  • You will see a Setup is Complete screen once connector is successfully activated
  • Login to Connector (https://<Connector_FQDN>:8443/cfg) and install the SSL certificate. In my lab, I have internal CA signed certificate which i Imported and saved.
  • Login to VMware Identity Manager Console and navigate to Identity & Access Management>Setup>Connector. You should see Connector is now activated.

Next, we will talk about configuring Active Directory in Part 2.

Thanks for reading, let me know your feedback.

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